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Original Artwork Paintings - Soldier Uniform Figure Studies
Civil War Art Prints
Revolutionary War Art Prints
The World Wars Art Prints
Other Historical Subjects Art Prints
Single Soldier Regimental Uniform Prints
Horses / Equine Art Prints
Landscape Art Prints
Original Artwork - Oil Paintings
Civil War Art Prints

The Brickyard Fight
$250.00 - $745.00
$250.00 - $745.00

Assault on Fort Wagner
$59.95 - $795.00
$59.95 - $795.00

Fallen Timbers - Nathan B. Forrest
$59.95 - $795.00
$59.95 - $795.00

Brothers of War - 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg
$59.95 - $785.00
$59.95 - $785.00

The Slaughter Pen Farm - Battle of Fredericksburg
$59.95 - $795.00
$59.95 - $795.00

The Wolverines - George A. Custer at Gettysburg
$59.95 - $795.00
$59.95 - $795.00

General Thomas F. Meagher - Irish Brigade
$59.95 - $275.00
$59.95 - $275.00

Major General Patrick R. Cleburne
$59.95 - $275.00
$59.95 - $275.00

The Angle - General Lewis A. Armstead at Gettysburg
$59.95 - $795.00
$59.95 - $795.00

Taking Griffin's Battery - First Battle of Manassas
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Charge of the Irish Brigade - Battle of Fredericksburg
$59.95 - $595.00
$59.95 - $595.00

General George Armstrong Custer 1864

Culp's Hill Requiem - Battle of Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Thunder at Dawn - Battle of Antietam
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Proctor's Creek - Second Battle of Drewry's Bluff
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Men of Brooklyn - 14th N.Y.S.M. at Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Rebel Colors - Confederate Color Guard
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

35th Indiana Infantry - 1st Irish Regiment

Iron Brigade Forward - 2nd Wisconsin at Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Hood''s Texans - Battle of Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

The Boy Major - Benner's Hill - Battle of Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Almost Home - Battle of Franklin, Tennessee
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Charge of the 20th Maine - Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

The Ulster Guard - Battle of 2nd Manassas
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Gouverneur K. Warren - Little Round Top
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Forward to the Foe - William Barksdale's Brigade at Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Sergeant Ben Crippen - 143rd Pennsylvania at Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Moment of Triumph - Robert E. Lee at Chancellorsville
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Vortex of Hell - 5th New York Duryee's Zouaves at 2nd Manassas
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

A Desperate Stand - 147th New York at Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

2nd United States Sharpshooters

Confederate Skirmish Line - Gettysburg
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Now is the Pinch - Battle of Antietam
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

Heart of Texas - Battle of Antietam
$59.95 - $98.95
$59.95 - $98.95

2nd Massachusetts Light Artillery (Nims Battery)
$49.95 - $149.95
$49.95 - $149.95

5th New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry 1864
$49.95 - $149.95
$49.95 - $149.95